Friday, July 10, 2009

Fitness Tips

I've always been a fitness freak. Well, ever since I lost all my puppy fat that it. I was a chubby kid all through school and suddenly a hairline jaw fracture made me lose the weight that was a cause for much teasing in school. But, as it has been said "Change is the only constant". So my weight fluctuated but after my freshman year at college, I lived up to the saying "Freshman 15". Bloated and feeling absolutely lethargic, I decided that I have to make fitness and health a way of life. That is the only way my health would remain a constant. So, now I follow a healthy diet regime and a serious exercise schedule. I wish I had two hours a day like Bollywood stars to devote to fitness but alas, that is not my profession...YET. I still have a while till the way my body looks will earn me my bread (partially). I eat mostly home cooked food with bran cereal and egg whites in the morning, a simple roti, sabzi, dal for lunch and moong and vegetables at night (avoid the carbs). I snack on fruits, skim milk protein shakes and occassionally, nuts. I workout 5 times a week (sometimes 4) doing cardio on three days (including spinning) and circuit weight training on other days. I'm planning to start some yoga (Yes, inspired by Kareena and how awesome she looks in Kambakht Ishq) to lose the Freshman weight I generously put on. Moreover, I studies nutrition and really liked it. Maybe I'll be a celebrity dietician/nutritionist and that will be my ticket to Bollywood? What say?

1 comment:

  1. Sleep is an important ingredient too. Don't forget to have adequate sleep with your fitness regimen.
