Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feel the Strength

After much reflection, self pity and support, I realized that the strength is always there. In every bleak situation, in every scenario, when nothing seems possible, there is always a ray of hope. You just don't know it because it comes in disguised ways.
Even in rainy days, the sun in hidden behind the clouds. It has been rightly said, every cloud has a silver lining. It's just a matter of time before this silver lining shows itself and gleans its way through. Wait for it, its worth it.
Things happened when I expected them the least and surprises came when I needed them the most. It not only relieved me from previous disappointments, but I was able to appreciate the joy so much more.
Pain just makes you stronger, and makes you appreciate the good things in life. It teaches you how not to take things for granted and value everything good in your life.
So wake up, show some gratitude and don't be bogged down by the lulls in life. Because trust me, in this gloomy day, the sun is just waiting to come out.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Wall

I look around me and a see a wall. No one around and nothing to hold. No one to uplift me from a state I am in. People try, atleast some do, but I cant seem to heal myself.
I need myself. I need myself to love me. And although I realize the value of myself, it is so hard to actually establish and do.
I don't know what I need. But I need something in life that will ease all of this. And currently the only power I can see is spiritual light. That's the only power that is inviting me and showing me promise to surf over this wave.
Time heals everything. I just have to wait. But in the mean time I also have to heal myself. Slowly and constantly.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The power within you

This is a hard time for me. Emotionally and mentally. And I am dealing with this with the help of people around me. But I realized that I can't have people support me all the time. And this taught me one important thing. I have to help myself.

This is a time where I've lost something dear to me. And its not my fault neither anyone else's. Its just something that was inevitable. But this has cause much heartache and tears. And sometimes I realized, one has to rise beyond these weak emotional moments. Its true, many decisions must be taken from the heart. But when your head starts questioning your heart, you know there is a problem. And this is exactly what happened to me.

I never understood this phenomenon completely until I was in the same position. I have no one but myself to rely on. I ahve to make my heart stronger, my mind stronger and stick by what I believe- no matter how hard that is. Because if I don't, I will end up wronging many around me.

I have always been fair and true. I don't believe in lying or playing games. Keeping this in mind, I know I have to rise above temptations.

I want to achieve a dream. And to achieve that, I have to be strong headed. If I'm not, I will end up making a mess of my entire life and being at the mercy of people around me, always. I have always been independent, but my emotional side takes the better of me. And this experience has taught me that I cannot let that happen. To face this world, I need strength and seeking this strength in people around me will never help. The key is in loving myself. And when I love myself, and am confident of it, nothing can deter me from either my dreams or make me doubt myself. Loving myself is the best gift I can give to myself.

It scares me to think that I have reached a point in life, where I can no more fall back on everyone at the drop of a hat. I have to take charge of my own life and live life on my own terms. Gone are the days where I compromised for people and did things for other peoples' happiness. I have to learn to make myself happy first. Everything eill fall into